Your First Visit to Spark for Life
What to Expect
​Here are 10 things to expect from your first session at Spark for Life:
You’ll receive an email from our admin team with a client intake form and consent form to complete.
For assessments you will also receive an additional background form to provide more information and send in other documents you may want to share.
When you arrive at our reception you’ll notice we have no staff there to greet you. Please take a seat and your clinician will be with you at your appointment time. There are toys and books you are welcome to make use of while you wait.

3. Your first appointment is a chance for us both to get to know each other.
For child sessions, the first session is with the parents alone.
The child's first session will be discussed in your session. This discussion regards whether it will be best to have the parent/s present for all, some, or none of the child's session (depending on age and reason for engaging).
4. There is no need for extensive preparation - just come along!
5. You can talk as much or as little as you'd like.
6. Please know that your first session won’t be an intense investigation into your concerns.
7. Your psychologist may ask lots of questions but this is normal.
8. You can ask questions, too! Please ask us about anything you were hoping to learn or discuss, or to get to know more about us!
9. Your session will be 50 minutes long. When we approach the end of your session, we will let you know that our end time is approaching so we can wrap up our chat and make a quick plan for your next session before you leave.
10. You might feel a bit overwhelmed or vulnerable after your first session. This is normal! Take it easy afterward. It can be good to plan some down time or an enjoyable activity for after your first session.