Parent Support
Spark for Life psychology offers parents support for a range of concerns and difficulties. We offer parent support sessions (subject to availability) and have a series of online parent workshops coming up!


Educational and Developmental Psychologist Carla has expertise assisting with a range of interpersonal, behavioural, developmental, and emotional challenges. Some of the reasons that parents seek support include:
Post-natal depression and anxiety
Parent-child relationship difficulties
Parenting with consistency
Behaviour management strategies
Support through the process of having children assessed and diagnosed with disabilities
Supporting children with developmental and learning disorders
Parent Support services are also available either in home or through Telehealth via online service. See our FAQs for eligibility requirements.
Each Parent Support counselling consultation is 50 minutes in duration. The first one or two consultations involve gaining a thorough understanding of your unique situation including your family dynamics and current difficulties, in order to work together in developing a plan. A range of therapeutic approaches are used depending on the individual situation; these include behaviour management strategies, positive parenting program, developing home routines and rules, and exploring the connections between each member in the household to create sustainable changes.
Contact us to discuss the benefits of counselling for your situation.